© Shepherd of the Canyon Lutheran Church


Visit our Facebook page for the latest news and activities.
We have a new home! Under God’s blessing we have (finally) acquired a place to call our home. We’ve leased two units in the GoldCor center at 6499 S. Kings Ranch Road in Gold Canyon. We’re located in suites 12 and 13 in the building behind the “Bad Habits” convenience store and “Goin’ Postal” shipping store. For more information, please contact Shepherd of the Canyon Lutheran Church at Office@ShepherdoftheCanyon.org or call 623-396- LAMB (6252) If you’re interest in financially supporting the work of Shepherd of the Canyon, please visit tinyurl.com/supportsclc
A mission congregation of the Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod
Click on the Facebook logo to go to our page
© 2022 Shepherd of the Canyon Lutheran Church, Inc.


Visit our Facebook page for the latest news and activities.

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Consequat sed ex non velit in nostrud nisi ut eu voluptate in ea. Dolore consectetur elit irure consequat qui, laboris dolor ut lorem ullamco sint irure reprehenderit tempor adipisicing. In sit veniam minim, incididunt, adipisicing in ex reprehenderit culpa labore tempor nulla dolor id ut. Adipisicing et proident. Enim anim, magna ipsum consectetur id consectetur esse sint aute occaecat consectetur qui nulla cupidatat. Cillum ipsum nulla aliquip occaecat nostrud enim, laboris fugiat velit sunt in magna. In esse, deserunt ut et in labore adipisicing. Quis irure amet cillum fugiat exercitation quis voluptate occaecat laboris aliquip fugiat laboris mollit ut tempor incididunt proident ut. Dolore minim sit deserunt. Amet veniam, non ullamco eiusmod exercitation commodo deserunt do lorem occaecat. Consectetur elit duis dolor duis sint nostrud amet. Labore dolore eiusmod magna dolor veniam cupidatat. Aliquip velit qui. Eiusmod, ut in nisi nulla magna ea dolor et nisi irure. Pariatur incididunt lorem voluptate dolor nulla cillum, ex fugiat eu consectetur elit excepteur et eiusmod commodo duis ad non.
We have a new home! Under God’s blessing we have (finally) acquired a place to call our home. We’ve leased two units in the GoldCor center at 6499 S. Kings Ranch Road in Gold Canyon. We’re located in suites 12 and 13 in the building behind the “Bad Habits” convenience store and “Goin’ Postal” shipping store. For more information, please contact Shepherd of the Canyon Lutheran Church at Office@ShepherdoftheCa nyon.org or call 623-396- LAMB (6252) If you’re interest in financially supporting the work of Shepherd of the Canyon, please visit tinyurl.com/supportsclc
A mission congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod


Click on the Facebook logo to go to our page